There are many different ways of thinking, like points on a circle- some are polar opposites (180 degrees apart) and others are closer to each other (below 180 degrees)
After adding a dimension of height to this model, it can now be thought of as a cone. Christianity and Islam seem to be 180 degrees away from each other, but the ‘higher’ we go the more it becomes clear that they’re essentially one and the same thing
Instead of ‘different ways of thinking’ being the labels for the points on the circle, they could also be labelled as ‘human perspectives’, and the purpose of the model being to show the essential oneness of everybody’s experience. The higher in consciousness we go, the less separate we seem until finally, at the tip of the cone, we know ourselves to literally be each other at the deepest (highest) level
When you flip the cone upside down it makes even more sense.
This mental model could become very deep and broad. Remember that mental models are like trellises for flowers- in constructing a mental model I am just creating a trellis for a plant to grow up easily in order to get enough sun to grow higher and higher. Some plants are stuck in the shade because they have not grown tall enough- the taller the plant the more sun it gets. The higher (or deeper) our spiritual understanding, the happier we get- the strong our happiness becomes as well- unable to be bent by the chaotic, ever-changing wind 🌬
I haven’t finished this diagram yet so I blurred out.
This is a model which shows how the mind perceives other limited perspectives in relation to its own limited perspective. The perspectives are displayed on a circle so we can display how different they seem from each other. The most different perspectives to ours are displayed as 180 degrees away from ours. Usually the further away a different perspective seems to ours, the more easily we can justify hating them.
The first diagram is the bottom of the cone and the second one is the side-view of the cone.
The content of the points on the circle depend on the unique configuration of the mind, which is determined by everything that affects the mind’s configuration: geographical location, life situation, social class, etc.
For a Nazi, Jews will be among those at the 180 degrees spot (furthest away from ‘me’) and people who agree with Nazi ideals will be in the range of 0-90 degrees. (Quite similar to me- I’d be able to get along with them)
Each apparent perspective appears and feels to be unique at the bottom of the cone. From the limited perspective of the ego there are many other consciousnesses being carried around in many different heads. How this belief polarises society is shown in this model by the fact that the perspective which appears to be 180 degrees away form mine appears to be further away, the lower our level of consciousness (the shallower on the cone). At the very bottom of the cone, there appears to be many different perspectives, half of which appear very alien and far away from ours. thinking polarises society, and that the tip of the cone is one.
Where it gets really interesting is when we introduce the one perspective and simultaneously add height to the circle, which is labelled as ‘level of consciousness’. As the level of consciousness get’s higher, each perspective draws closer together as the similarities are realised, until we reach a tip where we can’t get any closer. A cone has formed…
The appearance of a large differences between different perspectives doesn’t have to be interpreted as a negative thing of course, but I suppose we should judge an apparent perspectives’ position on the circle by how much we feel we have in common with the perspective.
For some people, they may condemn gay people because they secretly feel a bit gay- and thus gay people would be around the 180 degrees position. Around this position is all the things that we don’t want to be.
This model could be broadened further to display ‘content of reality’, instead of just different perspectives.
This would be more interesting because it would show that we are one with everything that we hate. At 180 degrees, the content of reality that we would put here would be rape, people who hurt animals, etc. The higher in consciousness we get the more we understand about why people do things, and we find it easier to love hateful people in order to heal them. Rotting people who are condemned for being rotting just get more and more rotten- those who love fruit can see the beauty even in the rotting fruit and heal it if they want to. Nutrition for the mind = love, exploration, fun, community, etc. There are no hateful people but instead hateful minds which are rotting due to malnutrition.