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In response to a young fapper:

You’re probably using it as an escape - focus on living a life that you don’t feel the need to escape from. Your problems have nothing to do with anybody else - you choose how you deal with them.

Who are you friends? Are they negative? If so ditch them and make positive friends - don’t be afraid to be lonely for a few months 🤷🏻‍♂️

What do you regularly eat? Do you eat lots of vegetables / whole foods? If you’re eating stuff that drains you of energy it’s much harder to quit - do t be afraid to go through a few months of upgrading your diet. Addiction requires that you feel bad in the first place, and fapping just presents itself as a cure. It’s unhealthy. How did people cure negative emotions in the past? They talked to people about them, looked at what they eat, what they’re doing with their life, etc.

Do you exercise regularly? Or do you sit around all day doing nothing? Addiction is basically caused by low energy, so do what you can to feel good during the day

Fapping has the same basic root cause for everyone - they’re afraid of real-life sexual relationships because it’s a big step in life - don’t be afraid and seek counsel from trusted people in your family

Whatever you do, try to stop fapping as soon as possible, then forget about NoFap completely. I quit over a year ago and only focus on it because I get paid to help people out of it.

Apply all this advice if you actually want to become free - our million year old brain is not equipped to deal with this hyper-stimulus that has only come about in the last 20 years so don’t blame yourself.

I’m guessing you feel like you can’t talk to your parents about it because they’d get angry, but they wouldn’t be angry with YOU, they’d be angry with the whole situation and how messed up it is that the government hasn’t outlawed this crap.


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